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Hotel Design

Transform hotel interiors into lush sanctuaries with our innovative greenwall solutions at GrowUp. Elevate guest experiences by bringing the soothing essence of nature indoors. Our team specializes in crafting greenwall designs tailored to the unique ambiance of each hotel space. Let us help you infuse biophilic benefits into your hotel environment, creating an oasis of tranquility and rejuvenation for guests to indulge in.


Biophilia (2)

"The lesson for architecture is that spaces can be designed such that the user is drawn outward from the built spaces, and connects to the outside spaces and nature, by the utilization of elements that mimic and bridge the experiential sequence. It is the direct experience of nature that facilitates this"


Ariyawansa, D.N. & Perera, N.G.R. 


Greenwalls offer a host of advantages that make them particularly valuable additions in hotels. These lush installations not only inject natural charm into indoor spaces but also significantly enhance the experience for guests. The foliage plays a crucial role in purifying air and filtering out impurities, thereby fostering a healthier, and fresher environment. Moreover, greenwalls have been proven to alleviate stress and promote relaxation, creating a serene ambiance vital for the mental and emotional comfort of guests. Additionally, they provide sensory stimulation, captivating guests visually and through touch, which can be especially beneficial for those seeking moments of tranquility during their stay. Incorporating greenwalls into hotel design presents a holistic approach to elevating the guest experience, enhancing both physical rejuvenation and psychological well-being in a harmonious indoor setting. 

Living Walls 

  • Living plants add vitality with dynamic growth.
  • Plants naturally purify air, releasing oxygen and filtering toxins.
  • Nature's proximity boosts cognition, uplifts mood, aids healing.

Moss Walls

  • Maintenance-free post-installation.
  • No need for lighting or watering.
  • Independent of electricity and water sources.
  • Expanded design flexibility allows for intricate patterning and options.

Faux Walls

  • Maintenance-free post-installation.
  • No watering or lighting required.
  • Independence from electricity and water sources.
  • Enhanced design flexibility.

Hear From Our Clients 

“We installed our first greenwalls within the first month of being appointed in British Columbia. Greenwalls are high fashion and we are incredibly busy”

Andrew Crawford 

GrowUp Reliable Design® Process

Greenwall Benefits

Greenwalls aid in achieving all of the benefits of biophilia. Biophilia is the innate human connection to nature that promotes calmness, clear thinking, and relaxation.


Unique Aesthetic

Make a statement and catch the attention of guests with a vibrant greenwall that will add visual interest in lobby spaces, hallways, or conference rooms. 


Connect with Nature

Create a connection to your location utilizing natural elements that seamlessly bring the outdoors in. Transform your space into a sanctuary by integrating natural elements that echo the tranquility of your surroundings. Incorporate lush greenery and earthy textures to blur the lines between indoors and outdoors, fostering a sense of harmony and rejuvenation within your environment.

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Promote Relaxation

Studies have shown that being around plants can reduce stress levels and promote feelings of calmness. The presence of greenery can help create a more peaceful environment, which is especially beneficial for travelers who may be feeling stressed or tired.

Implementing Biophilia

The GrowUp Living Wall System employs a tray mechanism, facilitating the direct placement of 4-inch grow pots into the system, eliminating the need for transplantation. This results in an immediate, vibrant appearance without requiring a grow-in period.

Moss Walls provide complete customization, allowing for the creation of any design using our extensive selection of preserved moss textures and colors. With no maintenance required, preserved moss is ideal for inaccessible areas, offering a perfect solution for those hard-to-reach locations.

Our customizable Faux Wall System offers an excellent solution for clients seeking unique designs while prioritizing low maintenance. Faux plants prove particularly effective for outdoor areas facing challenging climate conditions.

Greenwalls Breakdown
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Greenwall Support Downloadable

Access our free support kit that includes our product catalog, brochures, fire-proofing add-on scheduling, spec sheets, and access to ordering a sample box.

Resource Library 


How much maintenance is required for greenwall upkeep?

This depends on the the type of greenwall solution. GrowUp offers three types of greenwalls that offer different benefits to ensure we are able to meet a variety of needs. 

Our living wall systems require some maintenance, as the living plants need water and light to flourish and keep your wall looking great. Our living wall systems make taking care of the plants easy, using automated watering systems that ensure your plants are given just the right amount of water. If you opt out of the automated system, watering is still easy as our drip systems only require you to add water to the top and allow the water to run down into all of the plants. 

Our faux plant walls do not have any maintenance requirements other than the occasional dusting to keep the plants looking vibrant. These walls are great for tough-to-reach locations and outdoor environments with harsh climates. 

GrowUp's moss walls are another maintenance-free solution that have no requirements post-installation. They are also great for indoor spaces that are not easily accessible. 

What can I expect as the timeline for installation?

The GrowUp team guides our clients through the process from start to finish and will ensure you meet your deadlines. We are able to work together with the client to establish a timeline that works with both parties. 


Do I need to have a landscape specialist to look after my wall?

Depending on the type of greenwall chosen, someone may need to be allocated to maintaining the greenwall. Only our living wall systems need maintenance that could be done by the resident landscaper or office manager. 

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