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Custom Living Greenwalls

Greenwalls come in all shapes and sizes, can be done indoors or outdoors and use a large variety of plant species. 

We consult with you through every stage of your greenwall project. Our proven process will ensure that you end up with a result that suits your design as well as your pocket.

Start today with a free consultation, or request a quote if you already know what you want.

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Key Benefits of Living Walls



Nothing screams quality like the real thing. Plants are real and alive in a manufactured world, people notice the difference


Clean Air

Plants are nature's air purifiers, cleaning the air, removing toxins and producing oxygen


Biophilic Benefits

Being close to nature makes people feel better, improves concentration and increases creativity


Reduce Noise

The pots clip in and out with a very simple connector. This gives complete design flexibility in an instant

Design Considerations



Where will the wall be built?



Selecting your System

Selecting the right system for the project


Installation consideration

Who will install and what infrastructure is required


Where will the Greenwall be Located?

Outdoor Greenwall

Greenwalls look great outdoors and are a great way to add color and life to a landscape or building.

They can be used as privacy screens, to beautify a boring wall, as an accent piece or as living art.

They can range in size from giant feature walls to small accent walls designed to soften the building or hardscaping.

  • Outdoor Plant Choices

  • Outdoor Irrigation choices

  • Outdoor Technical Specs

Outdoor Greenwall (2)

Plant choices are important for outdoor applications.

We have done projects from the North East to the South West and with the right plant choices and correct maintenance they have all been successful.

It is important to getsupport from local nurseries or growers and to take into account how much direct sunlight your plants will receive


Irrigation for outdoor walls can be set up to recycle the water using a pump and catch tanks or it can be integrated to the existing landscape irrigation system.

Both setups allow for complete automation of your greenwall.

Important It is possible to link your wall to a water source and have it fully automated but a water source is NOT REQUIRED for all installations. Many walls are filled manually and do not have a water source or drain

Outdoor Greenwall (4)-compressed

When specifying your system for an outdoor consider the following items:

- Will you recycle the water or integrate the wall into the irrigation system?

- Do you have a structure that will support 18 lbs per square foot

- How much direct sun does the location get and what plants will you choose

Indoor  Greenwalls

Indoor greenwalls typically use a variety of low light tropicals to create a beautiful full green pallet. With the wide variety of indoor plants available we are able to create a variety of designs from really vibrant and colorful to deep greens.

When selecting plants we consider color, texture and size to create the perfect look for your environment

  • Indoor Plant Choices

  • Indoor Irrigation Choices

  • Indoor Technical Specs

Indoor Greenwall

Plant choices are important for outdoor applications.

We have done projects from the North East to the South West and with the right plant choices and correct maintenance they have all been successful.

It is important to get support from local nurseries or growers and to take into account how much direct sunlight your plants will receive

Indoor Greenwall -shaded

Irrigation for indoor walls can be set up to recycle the water using a pump and catch tanks, or it can be integrated to the building's direct water supply and overflow water set to drain away.

Both setups allow for complete automation of your greenwall.

Important It is possible to link your wall to a water source and have it fully automated but a water source is NOT REQUIRED for most installations. Many walls are filled manually and do not have a water source or drain.

Meet with a specialist to design your irrigation system.


We have full technical specification documents available and we provide full shop drawings for every job.

You can download the technical specification document using the link below.


Ultimate Flexibility

A designers' dream

Greenwalls range in size from a high impact 2’x7’ walls to walls of over 1000 square feet and going as tall as 4 stories. Our modular system and integrated irrigation allows for endless creativity.

Your wall does not have to be square or rectangular. Our modular system allows us to create many different shapes.

See some of our more unusual case studies below.

Our Case Studies

  • New York City Column

  • Escalator Project

  • Impactful Advertising

New York Column 960x640-compressed


A penthouse apartment in NYC needed to hide a column in front of a feature window


Covering the column in plants would bring a lot of greenery into the urban space and hide the column


Using the GrowUp Modular system and a custom catch tank the wall was instantly covered in a beautiful, semi automated greenwall

Case study tabs (1)


The client in this mall wanted to bring plants into the mall without using up valuable retail floorspace


The side of the escalator is in a highly visible location, was not in the way, and was ideal for mounting a living wall.


The GrowUp modular system integrated with a custom catch tank hidden under the escalator provided a beautiful, automated living wall solution

Case study tabs (3)


The client wanted to show off their brand and logo in a really impactful way.


The living greenwall brought nature into the space and the interest it creates highlights and draws attention to the name


The GrowUp modular system allows for the easy attachment of a logo or brand message in front of the greenwall.

Selecting the best greenwall system

The following questions should help with making the right decision about the greenwall system you choose and will explain why we chose the system we have chosen.

Will I get an instant result?

Some systems require the plants to grow in over time

Systems that plant in trays usually have very visible lines of plants after planting and these can take some time to grow in.

By planting our plants from fully grown 6” plants we create an instant, finished effect on day 1.

Our honeycomb shape uses nature’s favorite shape to create a completely organic result.

Is it modular?

Modular systems require little, if any customization, reducing inconsistencies and ensuring consistent results

They are flexible in design and application, creating many different results from the same components

They are cost effective as there is very little additional fabrication required from the manufacturer

Inventory is available all the time allowing for quick delivery times

Is all planting done off-site

The greenwall should be amongst the last trades to finish

A system planted off-site means that there is no soil or mess on-site during the final stages of the project

How easily can plants be changed and what is the planting lead time

Some system require the plants to be pre-planted and kept on the nursery for months before deployment. This is expensive and inconvenient for most projects.

If plants need to be replaced it is often the whole panel that needs replacing

The GrowUp system plants plants into our own hex pots and bags individually. These plants are fully grown and can be bought and planted as needed.

Any replacement plants or design changes can be easily accommodated

How to build living wall green wall

The Grow Up Greenwall Modular System

Our system is modular and scalable, the GrowUp system can adapt to meet the requirements.

Summary of benefits


Reliable Instant Effect

The wall is fully complete on the day it is planted. The unique shape of the pots allows for perfect nesting and no visible plastic. An instant effect and a happy client.


No On-site Planting

By planting into the pots and bags off-site there is minimal mess and disruption at the client’s site.


Design Flexibility

The pots clip in and out with a very simple connector. This gives complete design flexibility in an instant.


Fully Automated

The system is controlled by a simple pump and a drip-irrigation system. The water is collected in the tanks and redistributed throughout the garden.


Improved Sustainability, Reduced Maintenance

Our system is soil-based, which substantially reduces maintenance compared to the common hydroponic vertical garden. Water is stored in the soil for a longer period of time and the soil ensures the longevity of the plants, should there be any system failures.


Suitable for Indoors or Outdoors

Our system is suitable for both indoor and outdoor applications. Light, environment and weight must be factored in when specifying a modular vertical.

What are the project Considerations?

Installation Considerations

An important consideration when developing your greenwall project plan and timeline is who will do the installation of the wall and the various ancillary tasks related to the installation.

GrowUp, and the growUp partner base, have significant experience in providing full turnkey solutions for our greenwall clients. 

Projects can be planned in a variety of ways to minimize cost and maximize success. 

Full Turnkey solutions mean that all of the work sits directly with Growup. From planning to planting all you have to do is enjoy the finished result.

If you prefer to do the contracting yourself (the choice of many contractors) we offer a design and consulting service (including on-site support). You will still receive shop drawings, full instructions and on-going telephone support. We recommend that we provide the plants for these projects as plant selection and transplanting is typically not a core competency of the contractor.

Feeling like doing a project? Many homeowners choose to buy the equipment only to take on the full project. Chat to us about these options and some of our standard size kits.


The GrowUp Process

No matter the size of your project at GrowUp we will support you through every step in the process

Design and Specification

We will help you determine the objectives of you project and the overall design look and feel. 

We understand that there are always budget considerations and will work with you to ensure you get the best solution for your budget

Detailed solution design and shop drawings

Once the project is ready to go we will produce detailed shop drawings required for installation

Drawings are typically shared as pdf’s

Detailed lighting plans can be done if required

Infrastructure preparation

The system will always require a wall or similar surface as a base. This base will need to able to support 18 lbs per square foot for the entire greenwall.

If a water source or drain is required these will need to be prepared by your contractor prior to installation

A detailed site prep requirement document will be agreed as part of the planning process

Plant design and procurement

Plant design and layout are key components of the overall project

Since Covid plants have been hard to get and we do suggest finalizing the plant order at least 3 months prior to the installation date

It’s best if you have some inspiration images that you can share with us before the design starts. You can use our inspiration guides as a reference or create a Pinterest board of images you like

Once the overall look is a greed a detailed plant layout will be created.

Transplanting and delivery to site

Plants should be transplanted off-site and delivered to site on the day of installation

GrowUp can source plants countrywide and can arrange for transplanting and shipping to site already transplanted and ready to hang.

System installation

Once the environment is prepared wall installation can begin

The catch tanks, rails and irrigation are installed as per the shop drawings

Water and plumbing connections are made by the plumbing contractor

Hanging plants

Plants are hung according to the detailed plant design diagram

We always start at the bottom of the wall and work up, creating the instant greenwall as we go.

Testing and training

Once installed the wall is thoroughly tested

A handover training meeting is included in every project where the maintenance team is trained on exactly how to maintain the wall